Egg Subscription--Two dozen per week
per item
Pockerchicory Farms offers a pasture-based egg subscription weekly or biweekly for the Iredell County, NC area. $4.50 a dozen or $8 for two. Includes local delivery to Statesville. Cash or Venmo accepted. Text 704-978-9404 to start your subscription!
We LOVE our chickens and love to take care of them! Pockerchicory Farms poultry is fed non-GMO feed and rotated behind protective fencing on pasture and in the forest. Our chickens have access to fresh forage 100% untreated with chemicals. Our chickens enjoy fresh air, sunshine, well or rain water, and each other. Our layer flock is allowed to die naturally of old age. We currently run 40 hens and one magnificent and gentle Black Maran rooster, whom we adore. Our flock currently includes Silver-laced Wyandottes, Black Marans, Chocolate Marans, Easter Egger crosses, Polish, Bielefelder Kennhuhns, Lavornos (Leghorns), New Hampshire Reds, and Australorps.